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B5 B & C 4th Assignment March 24th 1. Todos los trabajos se enviaran al siguiente correo maricelabsantos@gmail.com. El archivo o foto debe llevar su nombre, grupo y fecha. |
2. Todos los trabajos deben ir anexados a su libreta y firmados por uno de sus padres. 3. Los trabajos asignados de esta semana deben estar en mi correo mas tardar el Viernes 27 de Marzo a las 2:45 pm. No se aceptaran trabajos fuera de tiempo. Instructions
A. Imprimir o trascribir el siguiente archivo.
B. Determinar el tipo de enunciado que es y llenar los espacios vacios. C. Trabajo debe ser firmado por uno de sua padres. D. Tomar foto al trabajo, que se pueda ver firma de su padre y su trabajo. TRABAJOS QUE SEAN COPIADOS O "PRESTADOS" SERAN PENALIZADOS. B5 B & C 3rd Assignment March 23rd 1. Todos los trabajos se enviaran al siguiente correo maricelabsantos@gmail.com. El archivo o foto debe llevar su nombre, grupo y fecha. |
2. Todos los trabajos deben ir anexados a su libreta y firmados por uno de sus padres. 3. Los trabajos asigados de esta semana deben estar en mi correo mas tardar el Viernes 27 de Marzo a las 2:45 pm. No se aceptaran trabajos fuera de tiempo. Instrucciones
A. Imprimir o transcribir los siguientes enunciados.
B. Leer cada uno de los enunciados y determinar si deben usar "Must + infinitivo" o "must + have + Past participle". C. Determinar si el enunciado habla sobre el presente o pasado. D. Llenar espacions vacios . E. Padre de familia debe firmar trabajo. F. Tomar foto al trabajo, que se pueda ver firma de su padre y su trabajo. Modals of Probability 1 Assignment No. 3
Put in 'must + infinitive' (for something that's likely about the present) or 'must + have + past participle' (for something that's likely about the past): Put in 'must + infinitive' or 'must + have + past participle':
1) Keiko always does really well on exams. She ______________________(study) a lot.2) That woman drives a very expensive car. She _______________________________ (have) a lot of money. 3) You _______________________________ (practice) a lot before you gave your speech. It was really good. 4) When Lizzie got home yesterday there were flowers on the table. Her husband ___________________________________ (buy) them. 5) Where is my purse? I saw it earlier, so it ____________________________________ (be) in this room. 6) Sarah couldn't find her glasses. She thought she ____________________________ (leave) them at her office. 7) It __________________________________ (be) cold outside. That man in the street is wearing a coat. 8) All my plants _________________________________(be) dead! I forgot to water them before I went on holiday. 9) Susie is so late! She __________________________________________ (miss) the train! 10) There's rubbish all over my garden! A fox _______________________________ (be) in the bin. 11) Anna has a huge library in her house. She ____________________________________ (love) books. 12) Oh no, I don't have my keys! I ______________________________________(leave) them in the taxi. 13) When Lucy got home, she found the ice cream had melted. It ________________________ (be) too hot in the car. 14) If you haven't eaten all day, you _________________________________________(be) hungry. 15) Jimmy and Louisa ________________________________(be) very tired. They have a new baby. 16) It ________________________________________(rain) a lot in the night. There are puddles everywhere. 17) David ______________________________ (be) happy. His girlfriend just agreed to marry him. 18) What an amazing kitchen you've got! You ____________________________ (like) cooking. 19) John ______________________________________ (eat) all the biscuits! There are none left. 20) When I got up this morning, the kitchen was spotless. Lily _________________(tidy) it before she went to bed last night. B5 B & C 2nd Assignment Marzo 18, 2020 1. Todos los trabajos se enviaran al siguiente correo maricelabsantos@gmail.com. El archivo o foto debe llevar su nombre, grupo y fecha. |
2. Todos los trabajos deben ir anexados a su libreta y firmados por uno de sus padres. 3. Los trabajos asigados de esta semana deben estar en mi correo mas tardar el viernes 20 de Marzo a las 2:45 pm. No se aceptaran trabajos fuera de tiempo. Trabajo Numero 2. Miercoles 18 de Marzo, 2020. A. Imprimir o ya sea transcribir el siguiente Archivo. B. Contestar las preguntas. C. Terminar de llenar tabla: Cada modal expresa un grado de de incertidumbre y tiene un uso especifico. Investigar los usos de cada un de los siguientes modales y escribir ejemplos de cada uno. D. Trabajo debe ser firmado por uno de sus padres. Tomar foto al trabajo y mandar al correo assignado. Assignment No. 2 What is a modal? Why are modals used? What are the functions expressed by modals? Write two characteristics of modals.
February 24th -28th 5A Monday: No homework |
5A Tuesday: Wordskills pages 49-50 5B Wednesday: Wordskills page 48-49 5B Thursday: Wordskills page 50-51 5C Friday: Even if there is no class you must complete the following pages 49-52. February 17th - 21st 5B Monday: sentences past perfect |
5B Tuesday: sentences past perfect progressive 5C Wednesday: Sentences past perfect 5C Thursday: Sentences past perfect progressive 5A Friday: Work not completed in class February 10th - 14th No Homework this week. |
February 4th - 7th No Homework this week. |
Friday January 24th 2020 5C Pending |
Thursday January 23rd 2020 5A Pending |
Wednesday January 22nd 2020
Tuesday January 21st 2020 5C Pending |
Monday January 20th 2020 5C: pages 97, 98 & 99 |
Friday January 17th 2020 5C: Work not completed in class. D4 part A & B |
Thursday January 16th 2020 5B. Work not completed in class |
Wednesday January 15th 2020 5B. Work not completed in class |
Tuesday January 14th 2020 5A. Work not completed in class |
Monday January 13th 2020 5A: Ex B4 part B & B5 Part B use index cards |
January 8th - 10th 2020 No homework |
No Homework: WINTER BREAK November 25th-29th |
No homework |
November 19th-22nd Group |
Homework |
Date due: |
N/A |
5C |
Activities. |
5B |
Study guide |
5B |
Study for exam |
5B&C |
Finish project |
Nov 26th |
November 11th -15th Group |
Homework |
Date due: |
5B |
unit activities |
5B |
study guide |
5C |
unit activities |
5C |
study guide |
5A |
unit act |
November 4th-8th Day |
Homework |
Date due: |
5C |
wordskills unit review |
5C |
Work not completed in class. |
5A |
word skills page 20-24 |
5A |
Work not completed in class |
5B |
Word skills unit review |
October 28th - November 1st Work not completed in class |
October 21st -25 No Homwork this week. |
Day |
Homework |
Due date |
5C |
Page 47 |
5C |
No homework |
5A |
word skills page 19-20 |
5A |
No Homework |
5B |
No Homework |
October 7th - October 11th Group |
Homework |
Due date |
5A |
Word Skills pg 12-13 |
5A |
Word Skills pg 18-19 unit 3 cover |
5B |
Word skills pg 12-13 |
5B |
Pg 47 think critically & editting activity, word skills pg 14-15 |
5C |
Word skills page 12-13 |
September 30th - October 4th Group |
Homework |
Due date |
5B |
Page 24-25 |
5B |
word skills pg 10-11 |
5C |
Page 24-25 |
5C |
word skills 10-11 |
5A |
Pg 25: C2&C3 page C4 part A&B |
September 23rd - 27th Day |
Homework |
Due Date |
5C |
Unit 2 cover |
5C |
Word skills pg 10-11 |
5A |
Unit 2 cover Word skills 10-11 |
5A |
Word skills 12-13 |
5B |
Word skills pg 10-11 |
September 17th - 20th Group |
Homework |
Due date |
5A |
5A |
B4 & B5 PG 11-13 |
5B |
D7 |
5B |
5C |
September 9th - 13th Group |
Homework |
Due Date |
5B |
5B |
NO H.W |
5C |
5C |
NO H.W |
5A |
B5 & B6 |
September 2nd- 6th Day |
Homework |
Due Date |
5C |
Verb Chart |
5C |
Sentences |
5A |
Verb chart |
5A |
Sentences |
5B |
Verb chart |
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Tu Sitio Web Gratis © 2024 Miss Marisela44404 |